A hand full of rings resting a leg wearing jeans

Second hand September Kick off

Second-hand September was started in 2019 by Oxfam to encourage us all to shun ‘new’ items and instead shop pre-loved. If half of UK adults bought their wardrobe pre-loved it would prevent emissions equivalent to a plane flying around the world 17,000 times (Oxfam, 2020).

As well as shopping second-hand, Oxfam are also encouraging us to thrift, mend, borrow or rent. But we think that it needs to go much further than clothes and also include other items such as jewellery. This Second Hand September we’re going to be focusing more on how you can treasure your pieces for longer, how you can buy pieces to last and what this means for our planet. We’ll also be running a competition so keep your eyes peeled for that.

To kick off, we wanted to start by giving you some tips on getting the most out of Second Hand September and shopping sustainably.

1. Know what you’re looking for

It can be quite easy to get carried away when you’re shopping second-hand. The items are often priced really well and there is always the chance you will never find the same piece again. However, if you don’t need it or it doesn’t fit into your style, it’s still not a good purchase however good a deal it is. Our advice is to have a list of things you’re looking for that way when you’re shopping you stay on track. If you’re shopping for jewellery with us and you’re unsure if a piece will fit with your current collection, we’re always happy to send pictures with a ring styled in different ways. All you need to do is pop us an email.

2. Make room for new items

If you’re adding ‘new’ second-hand items to your wardrobe, jewellery box or house. Maybe you could also look to move on an item which isn’t quite for you anymore. Definitely don’t bin it but there are quite sites which can help you sell your unwanted items. If you’ve got any jewellery you know where to find us ;).

3. Do your research

If you’re buying designer pieces or gold jewellery. We recommend doing your research on the seller. Hopefully everyone you come across is genuine and their items real but sometimes there may be sellers where that isn’t the case. If they’re a reputable seller they will always be willing to answer more questions or send more photos so never be afraid to ask. For jewellery, always make sure that it is hallmarked. The best piece of advice we live by is if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.
We hope you’ve enjoyed these tips, if there is any more content you’d like about second hand September please let us know and we can see what we can do!


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